Transport Costs
Certified add-on for Microsoft Dynamics NAV to calculate transport and shipping costs
The add-on Transport Costs for Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables to calculate transport costs on the base of forwarder pricelist.
Cost is calculated on the order, invoice or document of transport level both for purchase and sales. The add-on can be used for every level of shipping. In the pricelist setup all the cases are managed and the possible variables for cost calculation.
Transport costs for Dynamics NAV integrates the functionalities:
- Cost calculation at order, invoice, and document of transport level both for purchase and sales.
- Input on: weight and volume of transported goods, Km done, hour trip and geographical zone code.
- Shipping zone, indentified with the association of the ZIP code.
- Mean of transport attribute: i.e. if camion has forklift or not
- “delivery rounds” management. It is possible to know orders associated to a delivery round, to calculate total transport costs for a single courrier and divide them on document of transport related to a single shipping.
- Costs management, that the system sums at the end of transport cost generated by the pricelist.
In the ERP weight and volumes, kilometers, hours and geographical zone code are inserted. Each pricelist is associated to “Shipping zone”. NAV enables to create differente versions of a single pricelist, each with a different validity period.
Moreover “additional charges” are managed, which affect transport costs. These costs are inserted at customer sheet level and managed automatically by the system in the moment of the calculation.
Finally, delivery rounds can be managed, this is a functionality which is integrated to FoodSuite vertical. The functionality which manages delivery rounds enables also to know orders associated to a delivery round and then it makes possible to calculate total costs for each truck, and then to divide them on the transport document related to a single delivery.
Transport Costs for Microsoft Dynamics NAV