Prevent machine downtime through Machine Learning

Predictive Maintenance

Are you looking for a solution that allows you to reduce costs related to the lack of control of production plants?

Predict to prevent

👛 Maintenance cost reduction
🏭 Less downtime of machines
🧤 Improving safety in the workplace
📈 Increased productivity
🔧 Minimizing unscheduled repairs
🌳 Greater energy efficiency
👍 Extension of equipment lifetime

Optimizing internal functional efficiency to improve
business performance.
Possibility to monitor the entire lifecycle of the plant with
Power BI reporting.
Possibility to calculate the remaining operating time of a machine before it fails thanks to Azure Machine Learning.
Management and delivery of artificial intelligence models.
Quick and easy maintenance of company machines.

Plant efficiency: a synergy to offer software and financial advice

Services shared with our partners

In collaboration with our EOS partners

Financial Help


Simplify the maintenance process of company machines

Plant Maintenance

  • Machine master data: hierarchically organize the company's plant, machinery and equipment master data for a clear and detailed view of the company's structure, categorized by plant, department, area and machine.
  • Requests for action: manage checklists, time taken, parts used, type of failure, and corrective actions. This accuracy in data recording enables detailed statistics to make informed decisions about equipment maintenance.

... and there's more! Keep reading

  • Scheduling of work orders: either based on periodic maintenance schedules or on specific conditions related to asset utilization. Predictive maintenance management also helps to avoid sudden and costly failures, ensuring the continuity of business operations.
  • Assignment of technicians' activities: manage technician calendars and workflows, ensuring clear communication across all team members.
  • Documentation and multimedia contents: capture multimedia content such as videos and photos during maintenance work, helping to fully document the work performed and enhance technician training.
  • Spare parts management: ensure constant availability of critical parts and minimize downtime due to material lacks.

With artificial intelligence

Prevent machine downtime

  • Anomaly Detection: This advanced tool allows you to examine specific portions of data from devices and detect rare events that can be considered anomalies compared to an established behavior model. This means that you can identify unusual situations timely and take preventive measures to avoid costly breakdowns and unexpected downtime.
  • Predictive Maintenance: This tool provides detailed information about the status, health, and remaining life of your devices and equipment. You can predict when and what type of maintenance will be required, avoiding both premature interventions and delays that could lead to costly breakdowns.

We support the development of your Digital Transformation

Financial Help

  • Digital Transformation is the key for business success, and having adequate financial tools to support this evolution is essential. EOS's goal is to help you in your Digital Transformation journey and ensure that you are provided with the financial resources.
  • Thanks to our partners, we are indeed able to provide financial resources that will help strategically transform your business.
  • Companies that invest in digital innovation can benefit from tax incentives such as:
    - Tax Credit for the Purchase of 4.0 Capital Goods, for the purchase of tangible and intangible assets.
    - Tax Credit for Technological Innovation activities, aiming at promoting Industry 4.0 digital innovation, including digital integration between IT and production operations, as well as digitization of processes and products in various areas.

Let's find the most suitable strategy together

End-to-end consulting

  • Through our partners, we offer end-to-end consultancy to support the implementation of production processes, making them more effective and efficient..
  • With the help of experts, you can optimize your business processes and ensure that they align with your Digital Transformation vision.
  • Our partners' approach is based on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), a methodology to optimize the efficiency of industrial facilities. Organizing maintenance teams and standardizing downtime causes are preliminary steps to digitizing preventive and predictive management. This approach leads to efficient resource management, enhancing long-term competitiveness and sustainability for the company, while also generating significant cost savings.
With EOS Solutions and the services offered by its technology partners
You are in good hands

"Do you want to learn more? Contact us!

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