EOS Apps Webinar

Purchase Request Management with Business Central

EOS Apps Webinar

Welcome to our webinar on Purchase Request Management, tailor-made for Dynamics partners across the globe. This session is designed to provide a deep dive into the features of Purchase Request, our app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, helping to enhance purchase request management, approval workflows, and data security.

Why participate?

Learn from the Experts: Gain insights from specialists who have a deep understanding of purchase request processes.
Live Demonstration: See the Purchase Request app in action and understand how it can be applied to your business needs.
Q&A Session: Have your specific questions answered directly by our experts.

Streamlining purchase request management

Optimizing the approval workflow

Enhancing data security during the purchase process

MAY 21, 2024 | 5:00 PM (Central European Time)

FREE WEBINAR. Interested in participating? REGISTER HERE...

EOS PURCHASE REQUEST in a few minutes

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