Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
EOS Solutions Group works daily in a fast-changing environment at full speed with digital innovation.
To ensure the achievement of positive results, alongside efficiency and enthusiasm in dynamism, EOS Solutions values integrity to go on always in the right direction.
Therefore, EOS Solutions has decided to adopt a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct consists of a collection of guidelines arranged on a voluntary common basis to define and recall what company values and principles employees must observe in their interpersonal relationships within the company.
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct applies to all the members of the Board of Directors, managers, and every full-time and part-time employees of EOS Solutions Group. The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct applies also to other parties such as temporary employees, other people and/or companies operating in the name and on behalf of EOS Solutions Group.
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct also involves all those who have professional relationships with EOS Solutions Group, such as suppliers, customers, consultants, and representatives, who are required to respect and share the principles and recommendations of this Code.
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is accessible and available for consultation by all the interested parties.
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct must be applied daily by the addressees in all behaviors related to the professional activities of EOS Solutions Group, considering the several aspects described in the following sections.
The activities of EOS Solutions Group are developed under many profiles, with various roles and points of view interplaying. This dynamism does not make it easy to identify what is, on the various occasions, the correct behavior to adopt.
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is a guide to provide useful guidelines regarding the activities and contexts in which people of EOS Solutions Group operate daily.
Each employee, co-worker, or other addressee as generally stated above is required to observe the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct available through EOS Solutions communication channels (website, e-mail, etc.).
The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is also enforced in practice with the constant supervision and targeted intervention of the specifically established Supervision Committee.

The circulation, pursuit and execution of the principles and criteria of the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct are ensured by the supervision and intervention of the appointed Supervision Committee.
The Committee is responsible for:
- encouraging the enforcement of the Code in the everyday life
- providing enlightenment and advice on the conduct to be adopted in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
- guaranteeing the observance of the Code through the appropriate reporting tools
- addressing sanctions in the event of detected violations