for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Historical ECB Exchange Rates
Direct access to the European Central Bank exchange rates in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
The Historical ECB Exchange Rates app provides direct access to the European Central Bank (ECB) Exchange rates service within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
The app is the ideal choice for users who want to download currencies exchange rates starting from 1999-01-04. This reduces user data insert and errors by up to 100%, while increasing accuracy and relevancy of data.
Without this integration, Dynamics 365 Business Central only supports downloading “latest” (I.E yesterday’s) exchange rates. Our app allows to connect to 3 different ECB web services and downloading exchange rates from:
- Latest
- 90 days
- All
Features and benefits
Certified competence for Microsoft Dynamics 365! This app is an official product of the cooperation between KUMAVISION (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and EOS Solutions (Italy). Together, the two companies form one of the world's leading providers of business solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics.
Help Online
After installing “Historical Exchange Rates “ in Dynamics 365 Business Central, go to “Currencies” page and click “Import Historical Exchange Rates from ECB”.
Select the period from the Drop Down list:
- Today
- 90 days
- All
An alternative just fill up the “starting date field”
Click Ok
Wait until download and import ends
Check the new rates imported drilling down on field “Exchange Rate Amount”.

The Historical ECB Exchange Rates app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is FREE.